It's nice to feel wanted
And have your blessings counted
Whether human or animal,
this expectation is real
When someone notices you out of the blue
and appreciates you for the work you do
Or they just look at you
and think that you are beautiful!
Ladies, let me tell you this
when a man tells you or your work is lovely, miss,
he's not always flirting with you
or trying to get his hands on you!
Is it not human to appreciate something witty or pretty
When you see, like, and admire it - right?
It doesn't mean he wants to entice,
A simple admiration is just that - a guy being nice!
When the same happens to a man (brother/husband/friend),
you think he is attractive so it is natural for a woman
to be drawn to him and be friendly
and share one or things many.
So when you get a compliment,
please do not be indignant,
be thankful for having admirers around,
and take the opportunity to make friends abound!